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12691 Conway Road
Creve Coeur, MO, 63141
Social League Information

Doubles Team Leagues
Leagues run for 6-weeks, and are comprised of 5 regular season weeks and a playoff week in which each team makes the playoffs. Substitute players are allowed on all weeks except the playoff week.

Leagues are broken up by skill level, and not by gender. Teams play 2 matches per league night against opponents registered at the same skill level. Matches are 40 minutes long, and are either back-to-back, or with a 1-match break between, meaning league participants spend a maximum of 2hrs/night at the facility.

Single Player Leagues
Play is organized where players mix and match opponents each game. 8 rounds of games are played each league session, and results/standings for each individual are hosted online.

All of the league information, as well as the standings and schedules, are posted HERE.


CCRC Pickleball
Lesson Info. Below!
CCRC League Flyer (12).jpg
Social Leagues

Tues. Afternoons
Thurs. Mornings
Sunday Evenings

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